I think that is a very useful distinction you have made between “as soon as”, “always when” and “because”. Let me try to explain “because” as I understand it. Take a moment in time t1. (Actually there are no such things as moments... Read More | Share it now!
Why Logical Positivism is a Dead Philosophy
In philosophy, death occurs when there is nothing more to talk about. In the case of logical positivism, modern physics is pretty much all logical positivism. It is the raw extraction of data from experiments, followed by mathematical formulation,... Read More | Share it now!
Logical positivism debunked (2): falsifications beat verifications – Karl Popper’s victory
continuing: Logical positivism debunked (1): The philosophy that cannot even prove that its own statements have a “meaning” In the Laundry. You are handed back your belongings all washed, and you notice that this is not your jacket. Actually... Read More | Share it now!
Logical positivism debunked (1): The philosophy that cannot even prove that its own statements have a “meaning”
Logical positivism: all statements that can't be empirically verified are meaningless. — Ryan (@ryan_the_kang) March 11, 2014 Response to logical positivism: you can't empirically verify that claim… — Ryan (@ryan_the_kang)... Read More | Share it now!
Has logical positivism been successfully debunked?
What would the world look like if logical positivism had been “debunked”? – A question I have been requested to answer on Quora (“your best source for knowledge”, so the advertisement). (I hate these sources that ask you instead... Read More | Share it now!