Sorry to begin with this part of really tricky dogmatics. It will be a dance around minute decisions, but, promised!, of tremendous consequence (as any encounter with dogmatics – yes, I know). A tour with Godless Mom™ can, perhaps,... Read More | Share it now!
Drei Tage in einer Facebook-Hass-Gruppe “vernunftorientierter Atheisten”
Was brachte mich auf diese Seite? Gar keine so abwegige Frage. Eine Rekalibrierung meiner politischen Koordinaten durch Facebook, nachdem ich mich mit mehr Spaß mit einem Facebook Freund unterhielt, der hier schon war? Vernunftorientiere... Read More | Share it now!
Three Days in a Facebook Hate Group of “Atheists Guided by Reason”
How did I get into this group? And where is it gone all of a sudden? It has left my Facebook stream of notifications – I did not receive a note that I have been excommunicated. The content is “no longer available”, as if Facebook has... Read More | Share it now!
Some More Thoughts on Secular Humanism and Its Special Brand of Scientism
Stephen LeDrew’s Book on the Evolution of Atheism has apparently asked the right questions – if I read Patrik Lindenfors’s considerations at Humanistbloggen correctly. (The Google Translate English version is actually quite readable). What... Read More | Share it now!
All God’s Twitter Accounts
You are an atheist and fear that God might actually exist? A Christian, Jew or Moslem in fear that he might not? Relax and get all the the emanations collected on this site from all the Twitter accounts we have heard of. The scene is in silent turmoil... Read More | Share it now!
Stephen LeDrew on his ‘The Evolution of Atheism’ | an Interview
Stephen LeDrew was born and raised in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. He completed a B.A. and M.A. in Sociology at Memorial University of Newfoundland, took a break from academia to spend a year and a half teaching in Japan, and then moved to... Read More | Share it now!
Patheos | An Interview with Dale McGowan, managing editor of the Patheos Atheist Channel
The following is an interview with Dale McGowan, managing editor, of the Atheist Channel on Patheos – an interview about what is probably the most exciting web platform of inter- and supra-religious dialogue to be found on the web:... Read More | Share it now!
Nonreligion at the #IAHR2015 – the Mega-Event of International Religious Studies
Friday 28. The last day of the IAHR 2015 Conference. This is the session guide, and this the Abstract Book of the XXI Quinquennial World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), Erfurt, Germany, August 23-29,... Read More | Share it now!
Is Atheism a Belief? Yes, for a certain kind of atheist
As William noted in his post, atheism could be considered a kind of belief for those atheists who do not simply lack a belief in God, but believe precisely that there is no God. It is one thing to say “There’s no evidence for God, I have no reason... Read More | Share it now!
We are all trained to use more than one belief system
I know that this is mined territory but I assume that we are all wondrously competent to think in more than one mode and that all the time. The believer can tell me all kinds of things about her trust in God. If I ask her to let her two year old kid... Read More | Share it now!
Atheism, Like Theology, Discusses Insoluble Mysteries
This is the complete passage on “atheism, materialism, fatalism, and optimism” of Auguste Comte’s A General View of Positivism, first published in French in 1848, the English text taken from Frederick Harrison’s edition... Read More | Share it now!
Is Atheism a Belief? It depends | by William Oliver
The terms “atheism” and “god” mean nothing So, as you can probably tell by these extremely varied answers it depends. Atheism is just a word, a word. God is also just a freaking word. Let me explain what I mean by all of... Read More | Share it now!
Is Atheism a Belief? Yes, if you are looking for an interesting descriptive model
This is not really a question Let me first examine the question in its functionality. It is essentially a move “theists” (today a term atheist are keeping alive) might make to vex atheists over their particular problems with agnosticism. It is... Read More | Share it now!
Is Atheism a Belief? No | by Ron Spencer (Palo Alto)
No. It is quite clear in reading the writings of the religious who poke into the atheist forum, as well as watching debates between atheists and the religious that they are very, very different. As an atheist, I can live my life entirely without... Read More | Share it now!
Promoting Science | An Interview with Hashem Al-Ghaili
Olaf Simons: Rumours have it that you are planning a temporary Facebook abstinence – can it be? Hashem Al-Ghaili: Yes, that’s right. Due to work pressure, I have to quit Facebook temporarily for a couple of months. I think that’s what... Read More | Share it now!
Atheist Biblical Literalism, sigh
Quote from the page: This website aspires to be a beautiful and interactive resource for skeptics and believers alike to explore some of the more negative aspects of holy books. It was heavily inspired by the Reason Project’s poster of biblical... Read More | Share it now!
Always look on the bright side of life | by Sietske Fransen
‘Would you investigate the new Atheist Church in London for us?’ Sure, always up for discovering new things in London (an endless enterprise, so suggestions are always welcome), I was more than happy to attend a church service – or... Read More | Share it now!
On the Temples of Atheism
Ah, Paul, I am not quite sure about what to think of the present hype surrounding atheism (and humanism following closey in its wake). It’s turning into something that enjoys a peculiarly mixed support wherever we hope for an agency to defeat... Read More | Share it now!
The Uses and Abuses of Secular Saints
Today’s date in the Positivist calendar, devised by Auguste Comte in 1849, is Caesar 24, 224. The fifth month of this 13 month calendar is devoted to Military Civilization, if that’s not an oxymoron, and is therefore stuffed with 28... Read More | Share it now!