New edition of Auguste Comte’s ‘Cours de philosophie positive’, Lessons 46-51 (1830-42)

[Michel Bourdeau, Maison d’Auguste Comte, Paris, France]

The volume contains Comte’s first six lessons on sociology edited and freshly annotated by Michel Bourdeau, Laurent Clauzade, and Frédéric Dupin.

  1. Political arguments showing the necessity and timeliness of the science of society
  2. Survey of the main philosophical attempts already made in order to create a social science
  3. The most important features of the positive method in the rational study of social phenomena
  4. Necessary relations between social physics and the other parts of positive philosophy.
  5. Preliminary considerations about social static : the general theory of the spontaneous order of human societies
  6. fundamental laws of social dynamics : the general theory of the natural progress of mankind

Éditions Hermann, Paris, 2012, 480 pages, 17 x 24 cm, 48 €, publishers page for detailed information.

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